We are a Registered Investment Advisor based in the British Virgin Islands, offering a range of Investment Portfolio’s for private clients.

The British Virgin Islands are located about 60 mile to the east of Puerto Rico. The main island of Tortola and its capitol Road Town Is where most of the financial services firms are located.

The B.V.I is an internationally respected financial centre hosting a variety of hedge funds, trusts, banks, and insurance companies.

The industry is well regulated by the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission.

The B.V.I is a British Overseas Territory offering all the security and stability associated with the British flag. It is responsible for its own self-government through a democratically elected House of Assembly. Elections are held every four years.

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About Us

Founded in 2005, O.I.A. Ltd, is a privately held, high-touch boutique Investment Management Company operating to a high fiduciary standard – the highest standard of care. We are experienced and accessible investment professionals focused on enhancing investment returns and delivering ‘peace of mind’ for our clients.

We offer three investment portfolios’ Conservative, Balanced, and Growth.

Our investment strategy is to invest in stocks, bonds, commodities & alternative investments, primarily with exchange traded funds.

Our three portfolios are re-balanced each quarter, and any new funds deposited will be invested.

The custodian for your funds will be Interactive Brokers LLC, a globally recognized leader in brokerage and custodial services. They provide our clients with comprehensive independent reporting and analytics, customer service and global market access across multiple asset classes, stocks, bonds, futures, and options in one account.

For account security usernames and passwords are encrypted with Triple Data Encryption Standards (3DES) and nCipher hardware encryption. Data in transit is encrypted using TLS1.2 protocol.


James photo

James Bridgewater

Wealth Manager

James Bridgewater commenced his career in 1978 working for Commodity Analysis Limited, a City of London based commodity broker. Over the next eleven years James traded most of the London and U.S futures markets, and gradually moved from being a broker/dealer to managing discretionary portfolios for private clients.

James moved from London to the British Virgin Islands in 1989, after a brief stint working for an offshoot of Bridgewater Associates in CT.

James is a former director of Beacon Capital Management Limited where he managed discretionary portfolios for private clients and handled order flow for a large U.S based hedge fund.

James founded Offshore Investment Advisor in 2005 as a D.B.A, in 2013 the business was incorporated as OIA Ltd.

James is an avid sailor and is a former Commodore of the Royal B.V.I Yacht Club.

Patricie photo

Patrice E. Horner

Financial Planner

Over a decade, Patrice E. Horner created a successful pension investment management business. She had direct oversight for investment selection, trading relationships with international custodians, and on-going communication with the 12,000 members.

Patrice has also presented widely on the topics of pension planning and on Insurance Linked Securities (ILS). Horner’s experience extends to real estate asset management and mortgage analysis whereby she valued real estate holdings for insurance companies such as Pacific Mutual and Continental Life.

Patrice is also active in the yachting community as a member of the RHADC Race Committee. Horner is distinguished as a Certified Financial Planner- CFP® – US, a European QFA, and has a MBA-Finance from the Seidman College of Business and a recognized writer and presenter on Financial Matters.

Discretionary Investment Management

Many “would be investors” are nervous about investing in stocks, bonds, and other investment products, many investors feel they do not have the knowledge or experience to consider which investments are the most suitable for them.

We are seasoned investment professionals here to simplify the whole process from opening an account in your name, with our US licensed and regulated broker covered by both FDIC and SIPC insurance. You will enjoy online access to your account with UpToDate valuations of your holdings. You will be emailed trade reports, and account statements and of course end of year tax documents.

We will guide you through creating a link between your local bank account and your account at Interactive Broker’s via ACH or Fed Wire to either withdraw or deposit funds.

We are discretionary investment managers, the term “discretionary” refers to the fact that investment decisions are made with our discretion on your behalf. We assess our client’s time horizon, performance objectives, and risk tolerance to determine which investments are the most suitable investments.

We conduct routine monitoring of investment performance and execute buy and sell orders on your behalf and ongoing management in the areas of asset allocation and portfolio rebalancing. Portfolio rebalancing safeguards an investor from undesirable risks and ensures that the portfolio’s exposure remains within the manager’s area of expertise.

Benefits of Discretionary Management

Discretionary investment management offers several benefits to clients. It frees clients from the burden of making day-to-day investment decisions, which can arguably be better made by a qualified portfolio manager who is attuned to the vagaries of the market. Delegating the investing process to a competent manager leaves the client free to focus on other things that matter to him or her.


Our fee is based on a percentage of the value of your account, our fee increases in line with the dollar value of your account. For more information, please view our Form ADV Part 2A September 2024 and Client Relationship September 2024.

Financial Planning

Outliving retirement assets is one of the biggest risks that individuals face while in retirement. According to Allianz, one of the largest financial services companies in the world, 82% of workers in retirement plans who are married with dependents fear outliving their money.

Careful retirement planning is crucial for protecting your current assets from inflation and for accumulating more wealth. We help our clients with all aspects of financial management and advice, but one of the most important things we do is help investors answer the following questions in order to ensure they meet their retirement objectives:

• How much money will I need in retirement?
• How long will these funds need to last?
• How do I create a plan to ensure that I have enough money?

For many people, these questions can be stressful and are often put off and left unanswered for too long. We help our clients answer these fundamental retirement questions and then develop a plan to meet their objectives.


    Sage Life-Strategy Conservative

    The sage life-strategy conservative investment portfolio is a global asset allocation strategy tailored for conservative investors. This portfolio aims to strike a balance between preserving capital and generating modest returns. Here are the key features of the sage life-strategy conservative portfolio:

    • Asset allocation: the portfolio invests in a mix of asset classes, including global fixed income, global equity, and alternative markets.
    • Risk Orientation: the investment strategy aligns with the risk tolerance of conservative investors.
    • Target Allocation: the portfolio maintains a target allocation of 35% equity and 55% fixed income, and 10% MLP’s and Preferred’s.
    • Tactical Decisions: tactical allocation decisions are made at both the broad asset class level and within specific fixed income, equity, and alternative market segments.
    • Investment goals: the primary goal is to provide stability and income potential while minimizing risk exposure.
    • Investors should consider their individual needs and risk tolerance when evaluating Conservative funds.

    Sage Life-Strategy Balanced Portfolio

    The sage life-strategy Balanced investment portfolio is a global asset allocation strategy tailored for investors with a moderate Risk Tolerance. This portfolio aims to strike a balance between preserving capital and generating modest returns. Here are the key features of the sage life-strategy balanced portfolio:

    • Asset allocation: the portfolio invests in a mix of asset classes, including global fixed income, global equity, and hybrid securities.
    • Risk Orientation: the investment strategy aligns with the risk tolerance of balanced investors.
    • Target Allocation: the portfolio maintains a target allocation of 50% equity and 40 fixed income, and 10% MLP’s and Preferred’s.
    • Tactical Decisions: tactical allocation decisions are made at both the broad asset class level and within specific fixed income, equity, and alternative market segments.
    • Investment goals: the primary goal is to provide stability and income potential while minimizing risk exposure.
    • Investors should consider their individual needs and risk tolerance when evaluating Balanced Portfolio’s.

    Sage Life-Strategy Growth Portfolio

    The sage life-strategy Growth investment portfolio is a global asset allocation strategy tailored for investors with a moderate Risk Tolerance. This portfolio aims to strike a balance between preserving capital and generating modest returns. Here are the key features of the sage life-strategy balanced portfolio:

    • Asset allocation: the portfolio invests in a mix of asset classes, including global fixed income, global equity, and MLP’s and Preferred Stock.
    • Risk Orientation: the investment strategy aligns with the risk tolerance of Growth investors.
    • Target Allocation: the portfolio maintains a target allocation of 65% equity and 25% fixed income, and 10% MLP’s and Preferred Stock.
    • Tactical Decisions: tactical allocation decisions are made at both the broad asset class level and within specific fixed income, equity, and alternative market segments.
    • Investment goals: the primary goal is to provide enhanced portfolio returns.
    • Investors should consider their individual needs and risk tolerance when evaluating growth Portfolio’s.

    Contact us

      Contact information

      OIA Ltd
      Bridgewater House
      Belmont Park, West End
      VG1130 British Virgin Islands

      P.O Box 3838
      Sea Cows Bay
      VG1110 British Virgin Islands


      284 495 4620

      284 542 0715



      OIA Ltd is a registered Investment Advisor SEC file No. 801-64510. OIA Ltd is authorized and regulated in the British Virgin Islands by the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission. License No. SIBA/L/14/1080. We provide high quality financial advice and investment management to both private and corporate clients.

      This email and any accompanying documents contain confidential information intended for a specific individual and which is private and protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or other use of this information is strictly prohibited. You are also requested to advise us immediately if you receive information which is not addressed to you. OIA Ltd accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from the use of this email or the contents. Registered Office. Trinity Chambers, P.O Box 4301, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.